Child-led Play

One of the behavioural theories that I strongly believe in is child-led play. Child-led play is exactly how it sounds. The parent is actively involved in the child’s play, BUT the child leads all the play. It’s important that the parent merely goes along, without making suggestions and without interrupting. It sounds so easy, but… …

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Family Organisation

With the school year about to begin again, one topic I would like to touch on is family organisation. Having a system for being able to keep up to date with all the appointments, due dates, activities and school events is so important. How many times have you missed important dates, or miscommunicated with your …

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Bedtime Stories

Bed time with toddlers is something that a huge amount of parents struggle with. It can be stressful, drawn out and can quickly become an unpleasant experience for both parent and child! This is not a good way to end each day and can leave us feeling emotionally exhausted. One of the best ways to …

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What we do

A little about what we do… Hi, I’m Aliesha, the creator of Q and A Parenting. I just wanted to jump online and tell you a little more about what I aim to do through Q and A Parenting. Mostly it’s about helping parents get through some tough times, both developmentally for your child and …

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